There have been plenty of events which we come across in our life which touch the core of our hearts. Some of the events have been long lost in the oblivion and some of them still remain stored in our memory for ever. Knowledge is power. It will be going strengthen one and all. An innovative blog is the finest method of breezing you, I and everyone globally for exchanging our mind and heart. I suppose, my knowledge in comparison to you is poor, nevertheless, for the first time, I have planned to write something which will encompass certain aspects of this engrossing virtual life in this cyber world. You may find it hard to believe but the thing we call the “cyber world” has become more popular these days than the real world. The cyber world provides an easy escape from the harsh realities of the traditional real world and provides the opportunity to renew ourselves as larger-than life.
The scope of this virtual world is immense as because internet is regarded as the central resource for knowledge and information. Millions of people from all over the world log in their digital alter ego, and adventure in virtual worlds that only exist in cyberspace. The capacity of this world in terms of participatory opportunities and potentials with respect to social, education and financial aspects are immense.
For long days I have been thinking to share my feeling and experience with you viewers. Finally I have come here to share my words to you all. As I have been a web marketing consultant, I have come across plenty of experiences in different types of industries, their products and services. All these enthrall me and stimulate me to write something. I would like to keep all these fragments of my experience with/regarding different product and services in the sphere of your remembrance. Who knows, one of my posts would turn out to be beneficial to you at work or in your personal life. If it is/be so, I will consider myself to be really fortunate. There are many things I wish to write about from different areas of my interest and hope they will shine to keep up the name of the blog MISHMASH, which will not only prove insightful to the viewers but also help them to gather better knowledge with updated information.
Dear readers, your thoughtful analysis or ruthless criticism will equally appreciated as it will really enrich me and help me to improve and excel in my next blog posts.
Welcome to this "virtual world". Thank you for passing your much needed knowledge on to the rest of the internet world.